1. Calculate basis functions and store values
2. Use stored values to calculate a curve
3. Draw the curve
.h File
.cpp File

Periodic Knot Vector

Open Knot Vector


Bezier Equivalent

void BSpline :: draw(){


			for (int i = 0; i <= mRes; ++ i) {
				Vector3f v = valueAt(i);
		if (bDrawHull) drawHull();
Vector3f BSpline :: valueAt(int step){

	Vector3f v_out;

	for (int i = 0; i < mNumPoints; ++i){
		Vector3f v_temp = mControlPoints[i];
		v_temp *= mBasisGraph[i * mRes + step];
		v_out += v_temp;

	return v_out;

void BSpline :: calculateBasis (int step){

	float p = (mTMax / mRes);
	float t = step * p;

	float a[mNumPoints];
	float b[mNumPoints];	
	float N[mNumKnots];
	/* For Each Control Point Order 1 */
	for (int i = 0; i < mNumKnots - 1; ++ i) {
		float N1;
		/* Check Value of N at 1st Order of K to make 
		   sure we are only evaluating N for the two 
		   control points that surround it
		if ( ( t >= mKnotVector[i] ) && ( t < mKnotVector[i+1] ) ) {
			N1 = 1;
		} else {
			N1 = 0;
		N[i] = N1;



		For the each increasing Order of K, we must Store an array
		of "Values of Influence".  Each element of this array will be 
		referenced by the NEXT HIGHER Order calculations.  
		These values are namely the ratios of differences between the current 
		t and various knot values at i and i + k - 1,  and i + 1 and i + k etc.

	/* For Each Increasing Order up to Order K */
	for (int k = 2; k < mOrderK + 1; ++ k){
		Iterate Through Knot Vectors And Store Its Influence On Control Point i
		for (int i = 0; i < mNumKnots - k; ++ i) {
			float a1 = t - mKnotVector[i];						//subtract knot value from current time
			float a2 = mKnotVector[i + k - 1] - mKnotVector[i];			//subtract this knot value at i from the one K values down
			float b1 = mKnotVector[i + k] - t;					//subtract time value from knot value K values down
			float b2 = mKnotVector[i + k] - mKnotVector[i + 1];			//subtract next knot from K + 1 knot

									//Store Ratios Into Array, of the Surround Control Points A and B:
									//CHECK for divide by zero to avoid NAN errors in nonuniform B-splines
			a2 == 0 ? a[i] = 0 : a[i] = ( N[i] )   * a1 / a2;
			b2 == 0 ? b[i] = 0 : b[i] = ( N[i+1] ) * b1 / b2;
			N[i] = a[i] + b[i];

		We should now have a specifc amount of input 
		for each Control Point at time t.  We want to
		return an x and y value still! Lets 
		plot these Values' Basis Functions.
		And return a point that is a sum of the 
		basis functions of all the Control Points at time t

	for (int i = 0; i < mNumPoints; ++i){
		mBasisGraph[i * mRes + step] = N[i];